This work will help increase the visibility of your services. Yandex often ranks its service at the top of search results and may show artist profiles in the snippet. By placing ads in Yandex.Services, you can get additional clicks to ads with your services from the first page of Yandex search. Yandex search results with Yandex.Services in third position Yandex search results with Yandex.Services in third position How to use the service? register . We go to uslugi.yandex.ru , fill out the registration data, indicate the category of activity, and other information. After verification by moderators, the
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future. We will also be happy to help you in matters of SEO promotion , online advertising , website development and launching sales on marketplaces . Leave a request below: To get a consultation! We recently conducted a comprehensive audit of the SEO status of websites of Minsk car dealers. The sample included sites that we found in specialized online directories. The sites were analyzed according to groups of parameters. There were comparison criteria in total.