BOWWE Growth Hacking: When you sign up for an ADVANCED or PROFESSIONAL plan with BOWWE , you receive an SSL certificate for free. Moreover, it automatically connects to your project! Mistake # : Blog title is too complicated Beginning bloggers, trying to stand out from their competitors, come up with titles that are too complex or inappropriate for the topic of the blog. It also happens that amateur bloggers choose a name that seems simply beautiful to them, but does not convey a clear message to the recipient.
This is also a mistake that is better not to repeat, especially at the photo editing servies beginning of your journey, when you are just creating interest in your blog. If Internet users have doubts about the type of content your blog contains, you will have a harder time convincing them to visit it. Here are examples of less successful blog name ideas: a too long - fantripsandjourneys.com b excess numbers and special characters - Ann!L coding.com c too many dashes - Julia-is-drawing-paintings.com d difficult to remember.

Idkazsinfo.com e too banal - Kitchen.com f misleading name - if the name of your blog is cheap-cooking.com, but it also contains gourmet recipes. Your blog's name, like your brand's name, is a promise you can't break if you want to build trust with your audience and build a loyal community. If readers feel misled because they were looking for content other than what was stated in the title, they will quickly leave your blog.