One undertaking to be distinguished from those of another undertaking. Additionally, a registered trademark is protected by law, which means that its owner obtains legal protection for goods and services marked with this trademark. _ Trademark registration - issues discussed: Trademark registration – procedure Representation of the form of a trademark Absolute obstacles to trademark registration Relative obstacles Trademark registration - summary Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that before taking steps to register a trademark , you should make sure that there are no obstacles to registering it.
You can read more about this in this article. Trademark registration – procedure The procedure for registering a trademark is regulated in Chapter of the Act of June , - Industrial phone number list Property Law. The most important things to remember when filing a trademark application are: applying for a trademark is possible by submitting the form in person to the UPRP office, sending it by registered mail or electronically via the.

Electronic Services Platform of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland; filing a trademark is subject to a fee; the application is formally examined by the Patent Office, and if any formal deficiencies are identified, the office requests that they be supplemented; if the Patent Office finds that the trademark may be protected, the trademark application will be announced in the Bulletin of the Patent Office; if no objection is received regarding t application, the Patent Office will issue a decision granting a right of protection for the trademark; when the decision to grant a trademark protection right becomes final, the trademark is entered into the public register of trademarks by the Patent Office; protection rights are granted subject to payment of a fee for the ten-year protection period; it is possible to extend it for further ten-year periods.